- Intellectual Output Nr.1 “Weekly inspiration”.
The concept of this IO was based on the necessities of extending the entrepreneurial competence. This IO provides adult learners with new options for self-directed learning. The main objective of this intellectual output was to develop 52 weekly themes – resources to acquire entrepreneurial knowledge. - Intellectual Output Nr.2 “E365 – everyday challenges” provided adult learners with new options to address the challenges to the lack of entrepreneurial competence. The innovative element is teaching strategy used to strengthen adult learners entrepreneurship skills: adult learners are involved in the challenges aside of tasks, exercises, and tests that are traditionally used for knowledge evaluation. 208 challenges are developed. 52 training resources (one per week in a year), as well as 208 challenges to practice and test the entrepreneurial competence and finally, 12 success stories (one per month) – part of the 208 challenges mentioned above, are developed in the way to reach these objectives and included in a digital platform compatible with a mobile phone as a dynamic training system.
About the project
With the development of the E365 project’s partners develop educational opportunities based on the necessities of extending the entrepreneurial competence (through the skills related to) and fostered a more supportive entrepreneurial culture in European Union using E365 results as a positive message to highlight the potential of entrepreneurship in terms of economic contributions, innovation, and job creation.
By priorities chosen, E365 project facilitated the empowerment of adult learners and learners most vulnerable or at risk of exclusion to social and professional by developing critical thinking, reflexivity, and self-assessment ability and other skills necessary for entrepreneurial competence upgrowth among low-skilled or low-qualified adults.
The project established the local community’s attitude towards entrepreneurship skills development, by supporting educators and low skilled adult learners. Further, finded the needs of the community and strengthened the creation of new learning options leading to sustainable results.
The main aim of this project was to extend and develop self – directed learning platform to improve adult education in the six project partners’ countries and therefore, to promote a sense of belonging for adult learners who are at high risk of exclusion such as unemployed people by creating opportunities to practice entrepreneurial competencies in an inclusive learning environment that naturally fosters self-esteem and resilience.
The project overall objective was to foster entrepreneurship skills development among unemployed adult learners. This objective was reached with designing, developing, producing and implementing 2 Intellectual Outputs:
Moreover, E365 shares the common position of self-education – freedom of choice when and where to learn and also allows educators to host various types of learning content, update information easily, and to manage their endeavours more efficiently.
We have achieved significant impact of the project at the local, regional, national, European and international levels as Short-term impact, Medium-term impact, and Long-term impact.